Google Earth Engine Course - Information, Fee, Syllabus.
Value Addition Course
Duration: 32 hours
Google Earth Engine Course Information
Course Title: Remote Sensing with Google Earth Engine
Duration: 32 hours
Training Modes: Offline/Online/Hybrid |Full Time/Part-time
Timing: Min 3 hours/day | Max 8 hours/day
Google Earth Engine Course Eligibility
- Basic knowledge of computers and web
- Knowledge of remote sensing fundamentals
- Syntax of JavaScripts will be added benefits
Google Earth Engine Course Overview
This course will teach you from basic java script fundamentals and then take you through step by step remote sensing operation like loading data, defining AOI, supervise and un-supervise classification, NDVI and more…
Learning Objectives of Google Earth Engine Course
- Understand fundamentals of remote sensing, application and how it works
- Understand JavaScript syntax, variable declaration, if/else, loops and object casting
- Write JavaScript test it, save it in GEE repository, sharing scripts
- Using GEE objects, getting help on GEE objects syntax, function and arguments, using code snippets
- Perform raster analysis. Calculating Indices, performing supervises and unsupervised classification, accuracy assessment. Symbology option for rendering raster layers, change detection
- Vector Data Analysis in GEE. Like Buffer, area. Symbology option for rendering vector layers
- Building Google Earth Engine Apps, sharing apps
- Case study 1: LandCover Analysis & Change detection
- Case study 2: Flood Mapping
Softwares taught in Google Earth Engine Course
- Google Earth Engine
Technologies included in Google Earth Engine Course
- Remote Sensing
- Data Science (Machine Learning, AI) in Remote Sensing